Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Servlet 3.0 ( Tidbits ) ......2

  • Difference between response.sendRedirect("path" ) & req.getRequestDispatcher("path").forward(req,resp);

In former method a fresh request will be directed to url hence loosing all req level attributes and param in the redirected page . client will be notified that req is being redirected. In later  the current req attributes and params will be preserved  & client wont be  intimated that it is being taken to another page .

  • Difference between RequestURI /URL


reqURL = http://localhost:8080/myWebapp/FirstServlet/second.jsp ( except Qry String)
reqURI = /FirstServlet/second.jsp ( excluding context and qey string )
path info = /second.jsp ( between urlPattern for servlet  and Qry string  ) 
Qry String  =  blogname=thevoid ( after  ? )

  • Difference between req.getReader() req.getInputStream()

getReader() returens Buffered Reader  & givers character data of req body  .
getInputStream() returns ServletInputStream & gives binary Data of req body .
** body doesnt include  headers

Servlet 3.0 ( Tidbits ) ......1

Different between RequestDispatcher  in context and request .

RequestDispatcher can be obtained either from ServletContext or from ServletRequest.

An object implementing the RequestDispatcher interface may be obtained from the ServletContext via the following methods:
■ getRequestDispatcher(String Path)
■ getNamedDispatcher(String Servletname)

The getRequestDispatcher method takes a String argument path. This path must be relative to the root of the
ServletContext and begin with a ‘/’, or be empty. The method uses the path to look up a servlet, using the servlet path matching rules,and wraps it with a RequestDispatcher object, and returns the resulting object. If no servlet can be resolved based on the given path, a RequestDispatcher is provided that returns the content for that path.

The getNamedDispatcher method takes a String argument indicating the name of a servlet known to the ServletContext. If a servlet is found, it is wrapped with a RequestDispatcher object and the object is returned. If no servlet is associated with the given name, the method must return null.

To allow RequestDispatcher objects to be obtained using relative paths that are relative to the path of the current request (not relative to the root of the ServletContext) (if omitting the / slash ), the  getRequestDispatcher method is provided in the ServletRequest interface.
The servlet container uses information in the request object to transform the given relative path against the current servlet to a complete path. For example,
 in a context rooted at ’/’ and a request to /garden/tools.html, a request dispatcher obtained via ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher("header.html") will behave exactly like a call to ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/garden/header.html").

Query Strings in Request Dispatcher Paths

The ServletContext and ServletRequest methods that create RequestDispatcher objects using path information allow the optional attachment of query string information to the path. For example, a Developer may obtain a RequestDispatcher by using the following code:

String path = “/raisins.jsp?orderno=5”;
RequestDispatcher rd = context.getRequestDispatcher(path);
rd.include(request, response);

Parameters specified in the query string used to create the RequestDispatcher take precedence over other parameters of the same name passed to the included servlet.
The parameters associated with a RequestDispatcher are scoped to apply only for the duration of the include or forward call.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Servlet 3.0 ( Asynchronous Support for Web )

In Servlet 3.0 one can create Asynchronous servlets /Filters . Detach request/response from thread.

3 ways to set asyn servlets support

  • < async-supported > true < async-supported >
  • or by annotations @WebServlet(asyncSupported = true,name = "HelloAnnotationServlet", urlPatterns = {"/helloanno"})
  • or by configuring dynamically while registering servlet .. ServletRegistration.Dynamic.setAsyncSupported(true);

see an example here  https://blogs.oracle.com/enterprisetechtips/entry/asynchronous_support_in_servlet_3 
 Important interfaces for Async web apps are 

1 . interface AsyncContext 
An AsyncContext is created and initialized by a call to ServletRequest.startAsync() or ServletRequest.startAsync(ServletRequest, ServletResponse). Repeated invocations of these methods will return the same AsyncContext instance, reinitialized as appropriate.
In the event that an asynchronous operation has timed out, the container must run through these steps:
  1. Invoke, at their onTimeout method, all AsyncListener instances registered with the ServletRequest on which the asynchronous operation was initiated.
  2. If none of the listeners called complete() or any of the dispatch() methods, perform an error dispatch with a status code equal to HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.
  3. If no matching error page was found, or the error page did not call complete() or any of the dispatch() methods, call complete().
  4. There are 3 flavors of dispatch() for AsyncContext.
 void dispatch()
          Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the servlet container.
 void dispatch(ServletContext context, java.lang.String path)
          Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the given path scoped to the given context.
 void dispatch(java.lang.String path)
          Dispatches the request and response objects of this AsyncContext to the given path.

Servlet 3.0 ( Dynamic registration of Servlet and Filters )

One can add / register  servlet or filters dynamically at context initialization time . ServletContext has methods to register is dynamically.

 ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(java.lang.String servletName, java.lang.Class  < ? extends Servlet > servletClass )
Adds the servlet with the given name and class type to this servlet context.
 ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(java.lang.String servletName, Servlet servlet)
Registers the given servlet instance with this ServletContext under the given servletName.
 ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(java.lang.String servletName, java.lang.String className)

 Below is an example 

MyCtxInitializer extends ServletcontextInitializer {

void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce )

             ServletContext ctx = sce.getServletContext();
             ServletRegistration.Dynamic dyna = 
                           sce.addServlet("newServlet " , NewServlet.class);  
             //NewServlet  must  be  a  servlet class extending Servlet
             dyna.addMapping("/OneServlet");  // map to  URL Pattern


                  Servlet xyz = ctx.createServlet (SecondServlet.class);

                }catch(Exception ex) {}

void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce){ }


Similarly for Filter and Listener .

Servlet 3.0 ( ServletContainerInitializer )

ServletContainerInitializer is an interface that provides the ability to do some task even before context intializes. It can be used to register  servlets/filters. It has annotation @HandleTypes that can tell which class type it can handle.
The class implementing ServletContainerInitializer  must be packed in a jar and a file  configuing its FQN must be kept in meta-inf/services folder .   
check   http://piotrnowicki.com/2011/03/using-servlets-3-0-servletcontainerinitializer/

SCI.onstartup() will be called before any listener is initialized.

Servlet 3.0 ( web-fragment )

metadata-complete is set for web.xml, both the annotation processing and fragments processing are disabled.

reference  https://blogs.oracle.com/swchan/entry/servlet_3_0_web_fragment

absolute-ordering in web.xml The in web.xml provides a way to specify the ordering of loading web-fragment.xml and annotation processing of web fragment. For instance,
< web-app >
< absolute-ordering >
               < name >A< / name >
               < others />
               < name >B</ name >
< absolute-ordering >
</ web-app > In the above example, the web fragment A would be processed first and web fragment B would be processed last.

ordering in web-fragment.xml If there is no in web.xml, then one would look at in web-fragment.xml. The details are described in section 8.2.3 of Servlet 3.0 spec.

< web-fragmen t>
    < name>A</ name>
    < ordering >
        < before >
            < others />
        </ before >
    </ ordering >
</ web-fragment > 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Servlet 3.0 ( Security ) ...........3

3.) Dynamic Security :
Dynamic Servlet Security Annotations @DeclareRoles("role1","role2")  & @RunAs("rolename")
above 2 annotations can be given at the time of context initialization ( while servlets are registered dynamically) 
in Servlet3.0 interface ServletRegistration.Dynamic has below imp methods 

 void setLoadOnStartup(int loadOnStartup)
          Sets the loadOnStartup priority on the Servlet represented by this dynamic ServletRegistration.
 void setMultipartConfig(MultipartConfigElement multipartConfig)
          Sets the MultipartConfigElement to be applied to the mappings defined for this ServletRegistration.
 void setRunAsRole(java.lang.String roleName)
          Sets the name of the runAs role for this ServletRegistration.
 java.util.Set setServletSecurity(ServletSecurityElement constraint)
          Sets the ServletSecurityElement to be applied to the mappings defined for this ServletRegistration.

Check web for more examples

4.) HttpOnly cookie and tags are supported ..refer  servlet 3.0 specs.
HttpOnly cookies indicate to the client that they should not be exposed to client-side scripting code (It’s not filtered out unless the client knows to look for this attribute). The use of HttpOnly cookies helps mitigate certain kinds of cross-site scripting attacks.

Servlet 3.0 ( Security ) ...........2

2. ) Use of Annotations :
@ServletSecurity & @Inherited

We can define all security configuration in DD by use of annotations while creating a servlet.
for @ServletSecurity @WebServlet must be given with attribute urlPatterns [ else it will take as per defined in DD]. example

Only guest is allowed without  any transport layer authentication check

@ServletSecurity ( 
           @ HttpConstraint ( rolesAllowed={"guest"}, transport.Guarantee=TransportGaurantee.NONE) )

No user is allowed
@ServletSecurity ( EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY  )

All roles are allowed for all methods ; GET/POST only for guest user ; for Post transport layer needs to authenticated.
@ServletSecurity ( 
           httpConstraint ={
@HttpMethodConstraint(value="GET", rolesAllowed="guest")
@HttpMethodConstraint(value="POST", rolesAllowed="guest",                                                                                                                               transport.Guarantee=TransportGaurantee.CONFIDENTIAL)
                                    } )

All methods can be accessed only by role of guest ; TRACE is denied for all.
@ServletSecurity ( 
           httpConstraint ={
@HttpMethodConstraint(value="TRACE", EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY )
@HttpMethodConstraint( rolesAllowed="guest")
                                    } )


If superclass has provided annotation @ServletSecurity by default all its subclasses will inherit  its Secirity contraints by the rules defined by @Inherited annotation.
If subclass provided its own @SS constraint then it will override base classes SS constraints.

Servlet 3.0 ( Security ) ............1

In Servlet 3.0 use of annotations has made  ease to provide security. through annotations one can provide security dynamically  at the time of  servlet registration. Key features  on which servlet 3.0 security is based are listed below.
1) Authentication methods
2) Annotations
3) HttpOnly cookie (also SSO for which i have not much idea)
4) Http method Ommision tag
* Before 3.0 one has to map security  configuration in DD ( web.xml ) , but in 3.0 use of annotations is enriched. Here a snap shot of servlet security is given ( that is not sufficient but necessary to know )

1) Authentication methods: HttpServletRequest has 3 imp methods that can check / validate user .
boolean authenticate(HttpServletResponse response)
          Use the container login mechanism configured for the ServletContext to authenticate the user making this request.
 java.security.Principal getUserPrincipal()
          Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user.
 boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()
          Checks whether the requested session ID came in as a cookie.

 boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()
          Checks whether the requested session ID came in as part of the request URL.
 boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid()
          Checks whether the requested session ID is still valid.
 boolean isUserInRole(java.lang.String role)
          Returns a boolean indicating whether the authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role".
 void login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Validate the provided username and password in the password validation realm used by the web container login mechanism configured for the ServletContext.
 void logout()
          Establish null as the value returned when getUserPrincipal, getRemoteUser, and getAuthType is called on the request.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Web Listeners ( Servlets/Session)

There are 7 Listeners that are important  for servlet and session 

1 . ServletContextListener
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {}
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {}

2. SessionListener / HttpSessionListener
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent evt ){}
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent evt) {}

sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent ) {}
sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent ) {}

3. ServletContextAttributeListener / HttpSessionAttributeListener / ServletRequestAttributeListener 
in attributelistener the argument to the methods will be different as per the  interface.
for HttpSessionAttributeListener arg will be HttpSessionSessionBindingEvent.

4. HttpSessionBindingListener will be implemented by attribute
valuebound(HttpSessionBindingListener )
valueunbound(HttpSessionBindingListener )


Monday, January 7, 2013

Servlet 3.0

With the advent pf 3.0 drastic change has come while working with  servlets . J2EE 6  has many changes .
Few imp changes are 

  • No need of having 1 big web.xml .instaed multiple web-fragment.xml can be there
  • Dynamic registration of servlets , filters
  • Use of annotations

Here i am putting few important annotations provided by specs servlet 3.0  .

(asyncSupported = false, name = "HelloServlet", urlPatterns = {"/hello"},
initParams = {@WebInitParam(name="param1", value="value1")
@WebInitParam(name="param2", value="value2")}
 public class TestServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet { 
    ....   } 
   initParams={ @InitParam(name="mesg", value="my filter") }) 
  public class TestFilter implements javax.servlet.Filter {
        public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {   
   ....   }

        public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

        public void destroy() {

    public class TestServletContextListener implements javax.servlet.ServletContextListener {
        public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {


@MultipartConfig(location="c:\\tmp", fileSizeThreshold=1024*1024,
 maxFileSize=1024*1024*5, maxRequestSize=1024*1024*5*5)
Above annotation can be used along with @WebServlet
For ordering of Filter  / Servlets  < absolute - ordering > tag 
should be configured in web.xml