JAXB - API for XML Binding
JAXP - API for XML Processing
JAXM - API for XML Messaging
JAXR - API for XML Registries
JAX RPC - API for XML Remote Procedure Call
JAX TX - API for XML Transactions
JAAS- Java Authentication and Authorization Services
JAF - Java Beans Activation Framework
JNDI- Java Native and Directory Interface
UDDI - Universal Description and Discovery Integration
WSDL - Web Service Description Language
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
JSON - Java Script Object Notation
SAAJ- SOAP with Attachments for Java.
JAX WS ( API ) ( Metro = implementation ) ( requires WSDL )
JAX RS ( API ) ( Jersey = implementation )
Web service concept was developed to remove short comings of EJB .
An EJB can be also be deployed as Web Service .
Since Java 1.6, there's a built-in HTTP server included with the JDK.
JAXP - API for XML Processing
JAXM - API for XML Messaging
JAXR - API for XML Registries
JAX RPC - API for XML Remote Procedure Call
JAX TX - API for XML Transactions
JAAS- Java Authentication and Authorization Services
JAF - Java Beans Activation Framework
JNDI- Java Native and Directory Interface
UDDI - Universal Description and Discovery Integration
WSDL - Web Service Description Language
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
JSON - Java Script Object Notation
SAAJ- SOAP with Attachments for Java.
JAX WS ( API ) ( Metro = implementation ) ( requires WSDL )
JAX RS ( API ) ( Jersey = implementation )
Web service concept was developed to remove short comings of EJB .
An EJB can be also be deployed as Web Service .
Since Java 1.6, there's a built-in HTTP server included with the JDK.
The HttpServer provides a simple high-level Http server API, which can be used to build embedded HTTP servers.
Endpoint.publish accepts requests from a webservice at a port at the same HTTP server .
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