Friday, October 27, 2017

WebService TitBit-7


This text is the proposed revised replacement text for the 2nd last paragraph in part 1, section 2.6 which reads as follows:
If the SOAP node is a SOAP intermediary, the SOAP message pattern and results of processing (e.g. no fault generated) MAY require that the SOAP message be sent further along the SOAP message path. Such relayed SOAP messages MUST contain all SOAP header blocks and the SOAP body from the original SOAP message, in the original order, except that SOAP header blocks targeted at the SOAP intermediary MUST be removed (such SOAP blocks are removed regardless of whether they were processed or ignored). Additional SOAP header blocks MAY be inserted at any point in the SOAP message, and such inserted SOAP header blocks MAY be indistinguishable from one or more just removed (effectively leaving them in place, but emphasizing the need to reinterpret at each SOAP node along the SOAP message path.)
The text builds on the proposed wording for resolving issue 137 by Noah and Henrik and discussion at the W3C f2f meeting in Cannes.
The idea here is to cast relaying as a feature - it builds on section 2.

2.7 Relaying SOAP Messages

As mentioned earlier in this section, SOAP provides a distributed processing model that assumes that a SOAP message originates at an initial SOAP sender and is sent to an ultimate SOAP receiver via zero or more SOAP intermediaries. While SOAP does not itself define any routing or forwarding semantics, it is anticipated that such functionality can be described as one or more features and expressed as SOAP extensions or as part of the underlying protocol binding (see section 5 and 6). The purpose of this section is to describe how message forwarding interacts with the SOAP distributed processing model.

SOAP Intermediaries

The semantics of one or more SOAP blocks in a SOAP message, or the SOAP message exchange pattern used MAY request that the SOAP message be forwarded to another SOAP node on behalf of the initiator of the inbound SOAP message. In this case, the processing SOAP node acts in the role of a SOAP intermediary.
SOAP defines two different types of intermediaries: forwarding intermediaries and active intermediaries. These two type of intermediary are described below.

Forwarding Intermediaries

Forwarding intermediaries process the message according to the SOAP processing model defined in section 2.6. SOAP header blocks targeted at the SOAP intermediary MUST be removed from the SOAP message prior to forwarding (such SOAP blocks are removed regardless of whether they were processed or ignored).
It is the responsibility of the feature defining the SOAP forwarding to describe the required semantics including rules describing how the forwarded message is constructed. Such rules MAY describe placement of inserted or reinserted blocks. Inserted SOAP header blocks may be indistinguishable from one or more of the header blocks removed above (effectively leaving them in place, but emphasizing the need to reinterpret at each SOAP node along the SOAP message path.)

Active Intermediaries

In addition to the processing performed by forwarding intermediaries, active intermediaries undertake additional processing that may modify the outbound message in ways not described in the inbound message. I.e. they may undertake processing not described by header blocks in the incoming message. The potential set of services provided by an active intermediary includes, but is not limited to: logging, security, content modification and tracing.
The collective effect of such additional processing may affect the correct processing of features expressed in the inbound message by downstream SOAP nodes. For example, as part of generating an outbound message, an active intermediary may have removed and encryped some or all of the blocks found in the inbound message.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that features provided by active intermediaries be described in a manner that allows such modifications to be detected by the affected SOAP nodes. For example, an active intermediary may describe the processing performed by inserting header blocks into the outbound SOAP message that inform downstream SOAP nodes acting in roles whose correct operation depends on receiving such notification. The semantics of such inserted headers should also call for either the same or other headers to be (re)inserted at subsequent intermediaries as necessary to ensure that the message can be safely processed by nodes yet further downstream. For example, if a message with headers removed for encryption passes through a second intermediary (without the original headers being decrypted and reconstructed), then indication that the encryption has occurred must be retained in the second relayed message.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

WebService TitBit-6

Components of EJB-JAR.xml

 < ejb-jar >
     < assembly-descriptor >
         < method-permission >
             < description > The employee and temp-employee roles may access any
                method of the EmployeeService bean  < / description >
             < role-name > employee < / role-name >
             < role-name > temp-employee < / role-name >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > EmployeeService < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > * < / method-name >
             < / method >
         < / method-permission >
         < method-permission >
             < description > The employee role may access the findByPrimaryKey,
                getEmployeeInfo, and the updateEmployeeInfo(String) method of
                the AardvarkPayroll bean  < / description >
             < role-name > employee < / role-name >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > AardvarkPayroll < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > findByPrimaryKey < / method-name >
             < / method >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > AardvarkPayroll < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > getEmployeeInfo < / method-name >
             < / method >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > AardvarkPayroll < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > updateEmployeeInfo < / method-name >
                 < method-params >
                     < method-param > java.lang.String < / method-param >
                 < / method-params >
             < / method >
         < / method-permission >
         < method-permission >
             < description > The admin role may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceAdmin bean  < / description >
             < role-name > admin < / role-name >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > EmployeeServiceAdmin < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > * < / method-name >
             < / method >
         < / method-permission >
         < method-permission >
             < description > Any authenticated user may access any method of the
                EmployeeServiceHelp bean < / description >
             < unchecked/  >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > EmployeeServiceHelp < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > * < / method-name >
             < / method >
         < / method-permission >
         < exclude-list >
             < description > No fireTheCTO methods of the EmployeeFiring bean may be
                used in this deployment < / description >
             < method >
                 < ejb-name > EmployeeFiring < / ejb-name >
                 < method-name > fireTheCTO < / method-name >
             < / method >
         < / exclude-list >
     < / assembly-descriptor >
 < / ejb-jar > 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

WebService TitBit - 5

Best Explanation about wsgen / wsimport

Courtsy >>

1. Can we say that wsgen and wsimport command generates same classes (same JAX-WS artifacts)? 
2. Can we say that wsgen and wsimport command is used to generate both server and client side code ? 
3. can wsgen command be used to generate a WSDL file ? 

Correct me if I am wrong. 
wsgen and wsimport generates JAX-WS artifacts from SBI and WSDL respectively. 
If those JAX-WS artifacts do not exist, when the service is published using Endpoint.publish or web service container (Tomcat), those artifacts are dynamically generated. 
If those artifacts exist (generated by wsgen), the Endpoint.publish does not generate those artifacts. 

1. Yes. wsgen and wsimport generate request and response wrapper bean classes and the JAXB classes (XXX.class and XXXResponse.class). 

However, wsgen generates the JAXB classes and put them in a jaxws folder. But wsimport does not put those classes in any folder instead in the current directory. 
2. The JAX-WS artifacts generated can be used by both server and client side. 
3. I think wsgen can be used to generate WSDL. Here is an example at

Thursday, October 19, 2017

WebService TitBits - 4

A service groups a set of related ports together:
< wsdl : definitions .... >
    < wsdl :  service name="nmtoken " > *
        < wsdl : port .... / > * 
    < / wsdl : service >
< / wsdl : definitions >
The name attribute provides a unique name among all services defined within in the enclosing WSDL document.
Ports within a service have the following relationship:
  • None of the ports communicate with each other (e.g. the output of one port is not the input of another).
  • If a service has several ports that share a port type, but employ different bindings or addresses, the ports are alternatives. Each port provides semantically equivalent behavior (within the transport and message format limitations imposed by each binding). This allows a consumer of a WSDL document to choose particular port(s) to communicate with based on some criteria (protocol, distance, etc.).
  • By examining it's ports, we can determine a service's port types. This allows a consumer of a WSDL document to determine if it wishes to communicate to a particular service based whether or not it supports several port types. This is useful if there is some implied relationship between the operations of the port types, and that the entire set of port types must be present in order to accomplish a particular task.

WebService TitBit - 3

Difference between Source.Mode.Message and Source.Mode.Payload .

Both are enum vars representing mode of  response .

Operates directly with the entire message. For example, if a SOAP binding is used, then the entire SOAP envelope is accessed.


Operates on the payload of a message only. For example, if a SOAP binding is used, then the SOAP body is accessed.

For more details  >>

which encoding style are acceptable by ws-basic profile  1.1 ?
 RPC-literal and Document literal 

for more details  >>

# Types of XML signature  :

1) Eneveloping  Sign


Signature will contain the object 

2) Eneveloped Sign 

Signature will be eneveloped inside object 

3) Detached  

Signature will be  outside the document containing or referring data URL

Data to be signed is accessible through the Ref URI .

for more info check out >>

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

WebService TitBit - 2

SAAJ.jar API that was available  externally before  ... has been integrated with JDK 1.6 . 
However higher releases are still available  outside .

Difference between Endpoint and EndpointReference 
Endpoint is the URL where your service can be accessed.
EndPointReference is a reference to itself.
check out here >>
EPR is mostly used  locally by a WebService.

Why WS-Addressing is needed ?

It is a transport neutral way to address WebService  For more info  check out  on web .

How to generate Faults  in SOAP ?
There are two types of SOAP faults  .
1) modeled - Exception are mapped to WSDL:fault tag
2) Unmodeled - Run time exceptions SOAPFaultException and RuntimeException messages are returned

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

WebService TitBit- 1

Difference between SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 

SOAP 1.1 technically allows XML elements
to occur after the SOAP body. In SOAP 1.2, by contrast, the SOAP body is the last XML
element in the SOAP envelope.

The 1.1 version binds SOAP
to HTTP transport, whereas the 1.2 version also supports SOAP over SMTP.