- Enums are special classes whose fields are constants.
- Enum can be declared either inside of a class or as separate class.
- When outside a class Enum can either be public or default access modifier. By default nested enum are static ( ie inside class ).
- In Enum definitions the enum constants must be declared before any other declarations in an enum type. ( compile error will be thrown if it is occurs )
- Enum cannot be declared inside methods .why ? ( because methods cannot have class )
- ; colon is optional to be placed at end of enum syntax.
- Enum cannot be invoked via new operator .
- Like classes Enum can have multiple argument constructor or may have overloaded constructors .
- Like classes Enum can have methods definitions.
- Enum can provide constant specific class body ie : a particular constant can override one or more of its methods .
- Enum are implicitly Serialiazable and comparable and extends Enum abstract class , so enum can be serialized and can be put into ordered collection.
- If there is any abstract method declared inside enum class then each of its enum type must have to provide its definition.
- Abstract & Final Enum cannot be defined.
- equals(), compareTo(), finalize() methods are final . it cannot be overridden.
- Enum can implement interfaces but cannot extends any other class.
- Enum cannot be of Generic Type.
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