Monday, November 6, 2017

WebService TitBit-8

Subresources and Runtime Resource Resolution

You can use a resource class to process only a part of the URI request. A root resource can then implement subresources that can process the remainder of the URI path.
A resource class method that is annotated with @Path is either a subresource method or a subresource locator:
  • A subresource method is used to handle requests on a subresource of the corresponding resource.
  • A subresource locator is used to locate subresources of the corresponding resource.

Subresource Methods

subresource method handles an HTTP request directly. The method must be annotated with a request method designator such as @GET or @POST, in addition to @Path. The method is invoked for request URIs that match a URI template created by concatenating the URI template of the resource class with the URI template of the method.
The following code snippet shows how a subresource method can be used to extract the last name of an employee when the employee’s email address is provided:
Public class EmployeeInfo {

    public employeeinfo() {}

    public String getEmployeeLastName(@PathParam("lastname") String lastName) {

The getEmployeeLastName method returns doe for the following GET request:
GET /employeeinfo/employees/

Subresource Locators

subresource locator returns an object that will handle an HTTP request. The method must not be annotated with a request method designator. You must declare a subresource locator within a subresource class, and only subresource locators are used for runtime resource resolution.
The following code snippet shows a subresource locator:
// Root resource class
public class EmployeeInfo {

    // Subresource locator: obtains the subresource Employee
    // from the path /employeeinfo/employees/{empid}
    public Employee getEmployee(@PathParam("empid") String id) {
        // Find the Employee based on the id path parameter
        Employee emp = ...;
        return emp;

// Subresource class
public class Employee {

    // Subresource method: returns the employee's last name
    public String getEmployeeLastName() {
        return lastName
In this code snippet, the getEmployee method is the subresource locator that provides the Employee object, which services requests for lastname.

If your HTTP request is GET /employeeinfo/employees/as209/, the getEmployee method returns an Employee object whose id is as209. At runtime, JAX-RS sends a GET /employeeinfo/employees/as209/lastname request to the getEmployeeLastName method . The getEmployeeLastName method retrieves and returns the last name of the employee whose id is as209.

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