Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Auth Provider mechanisms


some basic terminology around authentication:
1. Identity – Describes who you are.
2. Credential – Something that proves who you are.
3. Identity Provider – A trusted system that collects your credentials and provides your validated identity to a service.
4. Service Provider – Some kind of service provided to the user that requires knowledge of the user's identity.
5. Trust – How does a service provider establish the integrity of an identity provider?

Protocol Identity Credential Identity Provider Service Provider Trust
SAML2 XML "Assertion" Multiple SAML2 Identity Provider
SAML2 Service Provider
Established by digitally signing assertions of identity with pre-shared keys or pre-trusted certificate authorities
OAuth JSON "Token" Multiple but current standards for specifying OAuth endpoint OAuth endpoint OAuth verified identity providers using pre-shared "tokens" that are hard to guess, but not cryptographically verified
SSL Certificate Authentication Digitally signed certificate Digitally signed certificate Certificate authority Web server running SSL Established through the trust of certificate authorities
BrowserID Email address Certificate BrowserID provider Any web application Trust is established when a user is granted a certificate for authentication from their email provider

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